Thursday, August 12, 2010

Round Churches

image from
 This is an image of The Round Church in Cambridge, England.
There are five round churches in England; the largest round church is Temple Church in London, England.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gravity on the Sun

image provided by
Gravity on the sun's surface is twenty-seven and two-thirds times as great as gravity at the surface of the earth.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Symbol of the Elephant

image by
The elephant in oriental mythology, is a symbol of temperance, eternity, and sovereignty.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Khaki Uniforms in the Army

Khaki uniforms became the official uniforms of the US Army in 1902. Serving in the tropics, the heavy blue uniforms were too heavy for the volunteer army of the Spanish American War. Khaki uniforms were cooler for the service men. Then, later, the khaki cloth uniform was made official.

Barbie.....We Love You!!!

The original Barbie doll made her debut on March 9, 1959. A woman named Ruth Handler was the creator of Barbie. The doll, designed after a German doll named Bila Lilli, was named for Ruth's daughter, Barbara. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Lilli's production was discontinued after the Handler's bought the Lilli line.

Ruth Handler's husband was Elliot Handler, the co-founder of Mattel Toy Company. Hence....Mattel manufactured the Barbie doll.  Ken was introduced as Barbie's boyfriend in 1964. His full name is Ken Carson.

The original Barbie doll wore a zebra striped bathing suit. Barbie was manufactured in Japan with Japanese homeworkers producing the fabulous Barbie clothes line. The first year 350,000 Barbies were sold at a price of $3.00 each!!!!

Barbie has evolved over the years. I was born in 1952. I owned some of the first Barbie dolls ever made...Boy, do I wish I had those dolls now.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Gobstoppers are a colorful hard candy made up of several layers. In the US and Canada they are known as Jawbreakers. Gob is a slang word from the United Kingdom/Ireland for "mouth". One should never bite down on the hard candy unless he/she wants to risk dental damage. The candy is meant to be sucked or otherwise held in the mouth until it dissolves. This process can take a long time. Actually, there is a version of the candy that are as much as 8cm. in size. It is thought these gobstoppers can take forever to dissolve.....hence, the name Everlasting Gobstopper!!  I apologize for the small size of the Gobstoppers in the picture. I thought I would easily be able to get some "Big" Gobstoppers. These look more like M & M's to me. Just mentally multiply the size of these small gobstoppers by five or six.....THAT'S the picture  of a gobstopper that I wanted to have on this blog...... Sigh!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010


This summer I won't be wearing pantyhose, but during the winter , I definitely will be wearing the all in one underpant and stocking garment. While pantyhose was invented in 1959, I don't remember wearing them until I was a junior or senior in high school. Actually, my memory is much clearer when it comes to garter belts and single know, the kind that had to be held up! I know I must have started wearing pantyhose in the later part of the 1960's!! This is huge in my mind because when I was in Junior High School in Duncan, Oklahoma, we had to wear dresses to school every day. Finally, sometime during my high school years, the school board allowed us to wear nice slacks. I never wore jeans to school until college!!

Anyway....I digress! The fact for today is .......about pantyhose! Invented in 1959 by Allen Grant, they were manufactured by the Glen Raven Mills of North Carolina. With the advent of the mini-skirt in 1965, the company began producing a seamless version of the nylons!