Gobstoppers are a colorful hard candy made up of several layers. In the US and Canada they are known as Jawbreakers. Gob is a slang word from the United Kingdom/Ireland for "mouth". One should never bite down on the hard candy unless he/she wants to risk dental damage. The candy is meant to be sucked or otherwise held in the mouth until it dissolves. This process can take a long time. Actually, there is a version of the candy that are as much as 8cm. in size. It is thought these gobstoppers can take forever to dissolve.....hence, the name Everlasting Gobstopper!! I apologize for the small size of the Gobstoppers in the picture. I thought I would easily be able to get some "Big" Gobstoppers. These look more like M & M's to me. Just mentally multiply the size of these small gobstoppers by five or six.....THAT'S the picture of a gobstopper that I wanted to have on this blog...... Sigh!!!
It's ok! They still look tasty!